Check out this TVO VIDEO 

This is a heartwarming, enthusiastic and informative film. 

"The Beat Goes On"

{copy and paste the above link into your browser to view film]


This is a TVO Documentary of the Toronto Chapter of New Horizons where Doug Robertson was a conductor for 6 years. This video was filmed during Doug's first year with his Beginner Class and follows his students from their first noisy honk and ear-piercing squeak to the wonderful sounds of their year-end concert the following spring. This film also includes performances and interviews with other members of Intermediate and Advanced bands as well as the musical director Dan Kapp.

This is an excellent film demonstrating how adults enjoy learning music at any age. Perhaps it will inspire other adults to learn music even if they have never played before, even if they are in their "Senior Years". 

"Your BEST is GOOD ENOUGH" and "It's NEVER too LATE"